Basic and Applied Surgical Anatomy for MRCS Part B (OSCE)

In the Intercollegiate MRCS Examination, candidates are required to demonstrate a sound understanding of pertinent basic anatomy and the application of anatomical knowledge in surgical diagnosis, surgical procedures and the management of trauma. At present, the candidates are assessed in three manned anatomy OSCE stations, whereby all aspects of anatomy are appraised face-to-face with an examiner. Although the three out of 18 stations tested in the exam makes up only 17% of the overall marks, the significance of anatomy in the rest of the components should not be underestimated. Pertinent anatomy will be tested in the Clinical and Procedural Skills, and Clinical Examination components of the exam as well. The areas tested in anatomy include the following: Regional anatomy of thorax, abdomen, pelvis, perineum, limbs, spine, head and neck; microscopic anatomy of tissues and organs of surgical relevance; surgically related embryology and development; surface anatomy; and imaging anatomy. These are tested against a set of criteria that takes into consideration the “Knowledge Broad Content Area”. However, unlike other components of the exam, the only domain that is tested in the anatomy station is “Clinical Knowledge and its Application”. This MRCS Surgical Anatomy book, that complements the highly reputed Doctors Academy Cardiff MRCS OSCE courses, reflects the current changes in the syllabus and the structure of the exam. The questions in the book are presented in the same format as candidates will be tested in the MRCS exam. It provides a clinical scenario/setting followed by a structured OSCE-style question and answer based discussion complemented by relevant tables, text boxes and illustrations. With 825 questions spread amongst 62 OSCE Stations, this book will be a valuable companion for those preparing for the MRCS OSCE in one of the UK Surgical Royal Colleges, as well as similar examinations elsewhere in the world.
